What can I expect during the procedure?
This procedure is performed at the local hospital. The capsule is placed while performing an upper endoscopy or EGD.
Learn more about Upper Endoscopy
You will be instructed by your doctor when to stop eating or drinking prior to the procedure. Sedation is used during the procedure for your comfort. The capsule takes only moments to place in the esophagus. The test period lasts 48 hours or more depending on your doctor’s orders.
Because the capsule is so small, you may eat normally and go about your daily routine during the testing period. You may feel a vague sensation that “something” is in your esophagus or you may feel the capsule when you eat. To minimize this sensation, chew food carefully and drink liquids.
During the testing period, you will be given a diary and asked to write down when you eat, lie down, or have reflux symptoms. Some examples of reflux symptoms include coughing, heartburn, and regurgitation.
Once the test period is complete, you will return the Bravo receiver and diary to the local hospital. The test is then uploaded to the computer for your doctor to review. Several days after the test, the capsule naturally falls off the wall of your esophagus and passes through your digestive tract.